Episode 15 - The Fastest Way to Grow

Is not what you think. It’s not a super efficient time blocked day, it’s not having a bunch of money to invest, it’s not being really smart, and it’s certainly not working hard. 


It’s allowing yourself to recognize where you feel unsafe, feel how it feels, and re-parent yourself. That is how you actually grow.


Your nervous system will ALWAYS block your growth if it doesn’t think you’re safe. Why? Because your body’s #1 job is to make sure you survive, at any cost. But what it doesn’t know is that you feeling safe is FUCKING terrifying and you are a self sabotage machine.


So, watch this video as I share how to safely and effectively feel the yuck feelings so you can grow at a speed you never imagined.


Don’t miss signing up for my $47 Holiday Course where I will help you set up a holiday that supports and nourishes you. 




You get to bring a friend for free!


And if you’re one of the special people who is saying “ENOUGH is ENOUGH, I’m ready to fucking love all of my life and I’m not waiting anymore!”…


I have TWO coaching spots that just opened up for December. 


It’s not easy work, but it’s FUCKING worth it. 


Email me at [email protected] and we’ll connect.


And check out my new website to find out more about how we can work together.




I love you.

